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Lily heart porn starlet Lily Jordan is one of the sexiest stars I’ve ever seen, and right now she’s going to be making some porno stars This hot piece comes from England, where she’s also known as Honey Gold. We shot with Lily in LA for quite sometime now. I’m pretty sure she’s got a huge crush on me early on because Steph has an amazing body and a huge pair tits. I’m a little taken aback by her looks and the way she embraces me feels. Needless enough I’m only 1 month old and it shows when she’s not playing with my meaty cock. It’s been so long since she’s had sex with a man before. We get this up close and personal, you can tell just how excited she is as she gets down on her knees. Our chemistry is obvious in every scene you see, and we definitely hooked up along the way too. I’m a lot more into the girl than I am myself at first glance, and this is Easter creampie surprise.

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