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Advance wars porn o. The plot is set in a fictional castle where a man named Luke and two other women, Lola and Lucy have been waiting for his arrival at the castle to be finalized. In a flash, the three of them find themselves naked, with Lola sucking Luke’s cock, and Lucy fucking Lucy while they lick his dick. The girls suck Luke’s cock, licking and stroking until they both get their faces covered in cum. Lola is the next to be crowned Queen of Pleasure as the men of Luke’s castle, and Lucy licks and fingers her until she cums hard, then Luke tells Lola to get on her knees and start sucking him off. The ladies playfully lick his balls, taking turns on the cock while Lucy sucks his dick. They take turns fucking Luke’s face and ass before he takes a load in Lucy’s mouth so they can enjoy the last of Luke’s cocks Blowjobs advance – my stepfather fucks me after going to the beach, first person video..

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